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Chakra Healing 

Welcome to this chakra healing experience. I designed this for myself, however I thought some of you might benefit from it as well. I recommend setting aside an hour to process all of the meditations, or doing one meditation a day, moving down the list as you go. You will find each Mudra above the chakra you are working on. This helps open your chakra and engage in the healing process. Enjoy!

We start with the Root Chakra, which is Survival. It is blocked by Fear. We will work on meditating on what makes us afraid.


Next is the Sacral Chakra, which is Pleasure. It is blocked by Guilt. 


The Solar Plexus is Will Power. It is blocked by Shame.

solar plexus.jpg

The Heart Chakra is Love. It is blocked by Grief.


The Throat Chakra represents Sound. It is blocked by Lies. 


The Third Eye Chakra is Insight. it is blocked by Illusion.

third eye.heic

Last, we have the Crown Chakra. It represents Pure Cosmic Energy. It is blocked by Earthly Attachment.  


Thank you for sharing this experience with me. I hope you were able to find some balance and peace.

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